10 Simple Ways to Make a Difference in Your Community

Below are ten easy, cost effective ways for community involvement.

  1. Support Local Business: Instead of always heading to those “big box stores” to cross off items on your grocery list, try heading to the local bakery or butcher instead.
  2. Attend Local Festivals and Activities: When a local event is happening in your community, show your support by attending. Money spent at these events will usually go back into the community.
  3. Vote: If you are looking for changes in your community, the best way to start is to research your local Member of Parliament and vote for who you will think help makes those changes.
  4. Give Back: Find ways to give back in your community. It can be as simple as donating canned goods to that local Brownie Troop to donating your old clothes to the Salvation Army.
  5. Get your Employer Involved: Is there a great charity in your area that needs support? Try talking to your employer to see if they are able to help donate or put together a volunteer team. Many companies are always looking on ways to help support local communities.
  6. Volunteer: Love animals – think of volunteering at the local pet shelter. Love sports – think of volunteering to coach a youth team. No matter what it is, you can always help with just a few hours of your time.
  7. Give Blood: The next time you see a blood drive in your area, take some time out of your day and give blood. You could be saving a life!
  8. Reduce your Carbon Footprint: From turning down your thermostat to recycling. Every step will help contribute to making your community a better place.
  9. Help keep your Neighbourhood Clean: Pick up any garbage in your neighbourhood, help rake your neighbour’s lawn or get together and put together a community garden.
  10. Get Kids Involved: Our children are the future, so try bringing your child along to see how important it is to help out the community.